Monday, October 22, 2012

Hang out with yourself for the day. You deserve it.

I’ve been a little exhausted lately and by “little” I mean completely and wholeheartedly broken down tired. I may be overdoing it this semester, just a bit, but I do love being busy! But because I’m not the only one who tries to do it all, I’ve composed a list of signs that you need a day of Gilmore Girls, or maybe in your case Breaking Bad, Grey’s Anatomy, The Hills, How I Met Your Mother or every single Harry Potter movie. Whatever floats your boat! Just take a day to drift in and out of sleep in front of an awesome series all bundled up and relaxed. Take a day for you! 

My dramatic interpretation of exhaustion. (you're welcome)
You’re in need if you show any and especially ALL of these signs:

You have experienced many mental blackouts.
When I say “mental blackout,” I mean those times when you are walking or driving some place and suddenly arrive at your destination, blinking, realizing that you have no recollection of the entire journey (oops). Or those times when you’re sitting in front of the TV and you suddenly realize that you’ve been watching the news for about 20 minutes, but when you sat down you were watching Ellen…

You regularly wake up in a panic state.
I’m talking mainly naps here, folks. These are the times when you wake up on the couch (or futon) to a brightly lit window and are 100% positive that you have missed a class, meeting, date, practice, etc. and it is the end of the world. Personally, these moments are terrifying. I woke up last week from an full 5.5 hours of sleep with a huge sinking feeling in my stomach because I truly believed that I had forgotten about meeting the little elementary school student I mentor. It was an awful feeling. BUT, then I came to terms with my life and realized I had an entire “to-do” list to accomplish, so I rallied from my slumber.

You haven’t been to bed before 1:00AM in ages.
Midnight is no longer a sign that you should be sleeping anymore. Dark hours that you never used to fathom being awake for are recently your most trusted times. When you finally climb into your bed, you are fully aware that an alarm will wake you up far too soon as soon as you close your eyes, which is the worst feeling ever.

You genuinely cannot remember seemingly basic information.
These are the REALLY embarrassing times when you forget everyday information about yourself. I experienced the sinking feeling of forgetting my debit card number, recently. The cashier was not impressed with my common sense. Let me tell you, it was terrifying. You feel as if you’ve lost your marbles! Other things you may forget include: your phone number, password to Facebook, email address, mom’s maiden name, etc…

You’re snacking a lot. OR, for some people, you forget to feed yourself.
This one is tragic. I mindlessly snack when I stress, but a friend of mine will get so overwhelmed that she forgets to eat! As much as I wish I had her issue, that is terrible! When you no longer realize you are hungry it is well past time for you to spend a day with yourself. Or when you find yourself at the bottom of the Cheez-It box and are confused as to who took them, you’re ready all right.

I suggest you run home, grab your body pillow you substitute as a boyfriend (just me?) and settle in. You’re going to have a FANTASTIC day with yourself. And tomorrow? Well, that comes tomorrow.

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